Obscuring locations for sensitive areas

Hi everyone! I’m new to the community and am excited to share my future observations and some old ones overtime. I’m curious about the “location” feature. It’s obviously great to share the location (e.g. for research purposes), but I’m curious the ethics regarding sharing the specific location of observations made in sensitive areas (e.g. National Parks). Are there certain guidelines? Are there certain countries to prefer or prohibit the sharing of exact locations (e.g. Costa Rica)?

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There isn’t a hard a fast rule, although observations of certain taxa in certain places are automatically obscured by the system and you have no control over that. I would say that if you think location disclosure of observations made in a certain area or of certain taxa have a good chance being detrimental to the species or area (like through poaching or over visitation), it’s best to obscure your observations there.

There are ways for researchers/agencies to obtain true locations if they want to.


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