I see - that makes sense. I didn’t realize you were also interested in searching for observations identified as something by users other than yourself. In that case, tags wouldn’t be so much help, for sure (especially if you’re interested in observations other than your own).
I don’t know if the format works for you, but I can pull up a listing of identifications of a particular taxon (and its lower branches) made by a user using the identifications page with this url format:
It seems to work reasonably well for ends of branches.
For example,
returns observations where I made an ID of ABC Island Brown Bear (Ursus arctos ssp sitkensis)
In particular, it also returns this observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/18287087 where my ID is maverick, so that tells me it’s going based on my ID, not based on what the observation is showing up as.
( I found it by using the following URL:
https://www.inaturalist.org/identifications/?user_id=gwark&taxon_id=147159&category=maverick )
In cases where the taxon has branches below it, then it might not be as helpful, since lower IDs will also be picked up. That is, if you search for all the IDs I have made as Asteraceae, you will get all of those, plus all of the IDs I’ve made of any genus, species, and subspecies under Asteraceae. I don’t know if there’s a way to tell it to be strict and only include IDs I’ve made as Asteraceae but nothing more refined.
I don’t know if this is helpful for your purposes or not - certainly the format on the webpage isn’t so easy to deal with if you’re wanting to do any data analysis, but since the information is accessible there, maybe there’s a way to access it through the API.
I know you said you use R (presumably a package that accesses iNaturalist data? If so, it’s likely using the API in the background). I’m not sure if there’s a way to use the R package you mentioned using to pull this information. I’ve used R extensively before, but not to get and work with data from iNaturalist.