I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’d replace the ID leaderboards with a reputation system. Reputation “points” are collected, but they’re not visible. However, you are listed as an expert for that taxon if you are in the top 10. Only certain actions would accumulate reputation points, such as:
- Every 10 RG observations you make for a taxon (at all levels - ie, if I make 10 observations of Orcas, I earn reputation points for Orcinus orca, all the way up to “Life”)
- Every “first” identification, where you (correctly) improve an ID
- Every correction (assuming the community ID remains as that taxon or a descendant)
- Every time you are tagged in an observation
- You lose points for an ID that needs to be corrected - even if you later agree with the correction
These actions would not be advertised either, to help prevent gaming the system. For the most part though, It wouldn’t matter because accumulating points in most of these situations requires that you have the expertise anyway.