Papers on Tardigrades

Since I am attempting to learn more about the phylum Tardigrada, I thought I should share the paper that I found online which describes the nominate taxa for the class Heterotardigrada (Armored Tardigardes), Echiniscus testudo; it is called An integrative re-description of Echiniscus testudo (Doyère, 1840), the nominal taxon for the class Heterotardigrada (Ecdysozoa: Panarthropoda: Tardigrada). Also, I would appreciate any other papers or pertinent information on this topic.

Now I feel that iNaturalist needs a Tardigrade emoji.

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Do you know about Google Scholar? Put Tardigrada in the search box and you’ll have 100s of papers listed, many downloadable as pdfs.

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Excellent. Can you do me a Daphnia, please?

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Thank you.

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