Is it possible you are all talking about different things?
Diana is clearly talking about taxon photos, both the one photo that pops up along initial suggestions and the few additional ones that Identifiers, such as Diana, reference when working.
But for those of us who are Random Observers just trying to identify our own photos, all the photos from all the Observations are reference photos, depending how we sort them.
For example, if I see what I know is a Spider in my garden (I am weak at Spiders), and I believe it to be a Jumping Spider but I am not sure, I go to look at the About page for Salticidae, Jumping Spiders. Here is what I see on the About page.
That compilation is very cool and tells me some are hairy and some less so and they come in all sorts of colors but it doesn’t really help me because my spider does not look like any of those, so I click that View More in the greyed out lower right of the ninth quadrants (where Bobby Brady would be).
That opens up alllllll the Photos of Jumping Spiders and before I do anything, I am going to narrow the photos using location (definitely) to show photos of Jumping Spiders near me, alive (possibly), life stage (possibly) and Quality Grade (definitely).
When I do this for Jumping Spiders, only using the Quality Grade (Research) and Location (Yuc, MX), here is what I see:
And that feels a lot more like the Jumping Spiders I see in the garden and makes me feel more comfortable saying, “It is not just a Spider, it is a Jumping Spider!”
All this is to say your photos will be reference photos, just to different groups and in different ways. They do not have to be the taxon photos, which truly, IMO the specialists* should set.
Do not feel put off. There is room at iNaturalist for everyone who appreciates nature, @clausgiloi. :)
*Just not me. This much I know.