Pollinators at the garden centre: Like stealing candy from baby fish in a barrel

I feel more delight than guilt with easy, unexpected observations that practically shout “Hello, see me, I’m right beside you.” At the edge of my suburban neighborhood there is a stream. I just have to share the video my husband made with me of what we saw there this spring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2tUII3ORo8&t=1s

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Wow! Very interesting. I kept wondering what the chub get out of this relationship because I don’t see any lurking predators, or even know what those might be in this environment. So perhaps this relationship evolved in an environment with more active predation? Thanks for the share and I hope you continue to enjoy your neighbourhood’s naturalist-friendly setup!

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I wanted to say I’ve started using the mash-up simile in the title of this topic in reference to anything that is extremely easy. Although few things seem extremely easy these days!


Nephrotoma need many angles for id unless there’s a single species looking like that in the region, so if you could write down under observation how you ided it, it will fasten up someone else agreeing with it if it’s correct.

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Yes, it is curious. I want to know more about these fish. I was surprised to see them in a suburban area rather than in a mountain stream.

Relevant idioms for anyone who isn’t familiar:

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Funny because I always take my camera with me into the outdoor garden center of the local fruit market while my wife is shopping! But I feel no guilt! I do enough trudging through the mud and muck of the local woods and waters to never feel guilty! LOL


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