Pussy Willow tree attracting insects

I have a Pussy Willow tree that is turning yellow, as it is Autumn here. It is also a "weed " in this area. At the moment the leaves seem to be attracting numerous insects. European wasps are the most prevalent, but there are other wasps, flies, beetles, moths and even a Monarch Butterfly. Under the tree are buttercup leaves and the insects seem to like what is on them but do not venture beyond the overhang of the tree. Can anyone tell me what is happening?
Thanks Ro


Are there willow aphids on there? Lots of insects are attracted to the sugar in the honeydew that they secrete.


Do you have any pictures?

Yes there are the large Willow Aphids.


In early spring, when flowers are less abundant, it’s common for certain species of butterflies to feed on tree sap. Not sure, but perhaps that could be what is happening here.


It is really hard to get pictures of observations of individual insects for iNaturalist as the insects move so quickly. I have photos of individual insects under “rozkidd” but it is impossible to show the numbers and diversity of insects on the trees.

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Pictures of individual insects are fine.

But when they do they mostly do it on the trunk.

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