I have just had a request from a researcher looking at alien and invasive plants.
They have natural range maps for pine species which could be added as range maps or atlasses (what is the difference?)
They want to extract the data of these species outside of their natural range - whether planted or going wild.
The question is simply: would it be possible to filter and download observations that occur outside of the area of natural range maps/atlasses? Or are such filters only possible on place names?
(this covers it, but is not very promising: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-find-out-of-range-observations-wiki/4271)
Using places is possible: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?locale=en¬_in_place=14&place_id=any&taxon_id=53421&verifiable=any
But often places (even many) are a very poor second option to range maps/atlasses.
Is there a “not in range” option or some other way of easily accessing observations extralimital and invasive/planted?