If you have any interest in plant galls, this would be a great time to get out and look for some! There’s so much completely undocumented gall diversity, and many undiscovered species. You can participate no matter where in the world you are, though it would be particularly exciting to get some people from less actively-iNatted regions involved.
Here is this year’s project, which you can join and will be able to (manually) add observations to: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/gall-week-2022
This is last year’s project, for comparison: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/gall-week-2021-9e58d299-60ec-4b10-af61-11ec0ab46974
If you’re curious to see what species you might be able to find, check out this project - if you click “search” and filter by your location, you’ll get all the observations from your area.
And of course, https://gallformers.org/ is a fantastic resource for gall identification.