I’ve spent a good amount of time curating my observations and photos on iNaturalist. However, the only people that get to see them routinely are other iNaturalist-nerds. I would love to be able to share with other non-users to expand the appreciation/understanding of the animals here. I’ve tried to copy/past the link to my observation page, but it doesn’t work like that. (Instagram seems to work that way). I’ve got to think it is possible and I’m just doing it wrong. Any suggestions? (By the way, I have tried successfully to post one observation at a time, but not the whole collection)
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Sharing the link to your observations page should work fine:
I tried it just now while logged out, and it works well, so will work for those without an iNat account.
Well, just like that, it worked. Not sure what I was doing before, but this works fine. Thanks!
If they are interested, encourage them to join iNaturalist
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I text or email URL links to my records rather often, to illustrate some organism or otherwise provide info to someone who is not on iNat. Its easier than digging out the original photo in my archives and the iNat record has all the relevant info, including any notes I added.