SMART, EarthRanger, PAM and CyberTracker partnership to get more people using iNat in Africa?

Many parks and NGOs in Africa (and elsewhere in the world) are using digital data collection apps and data management platforms in their day-to-day operations as well as in their community outreach and in conservation science programmes. Many parks including those managed by African Parks, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Grumeti Fund, WCS, South African National Parks and Peace Parks are using a combination of esri PAM, Vulcan EarthRanger, SMART conservation and CyberTracker. Most of these tools are affiliated or partly funded through Nat. Geo.

One way to get a more participation on iNat would be to partner with these platforms to discuss the possibility to build in some sort of compatibility with iNat. This is not to detract from the fantastic apps which iNat and all these platforms already have - but rather to build on these to allow the sharing of select data in both directions so that both benefit and so that select data collected on SMART can be shared to iNat and data on iNat - where useful and relevant - could be pulled up onto EarthRanger to advise management and science.

On a different note, I still feel that getting professional councils involved with iNat is a good idea which would provide a lot more participation - see my suggestion at


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