Just depends on 1) where I’m heading off too; 2) weather conditions; & 3) how long do I plan on being lost for.
I ALWAYS have a backpack, camera, battery pack, black hat, water, gloves, and a loupe.
My clothes are usually: older, beaten-up black or b/w checkered Vans slip-ons; a cheap, solid-color T from Target, usually green, navy, or black; and, if I plan on tramping through bush or if I’m near danger-noodle territory, I’ll have jeans that have been worn so many times you can see my wallet and phone stress imprints. If it’s warmer and I’m staying on trails, I’ll just have tan shorts.
Bug spray and Clif bars are stocked in my car for the start of a trek.
If I’m going foraging (elderberries, currants, gooseberries, woodear 'shrooms, rosehips, prickly lettuce, mullein, and other edibles or medicinals or random stuff that calls out to me [pinecones + rocks + native seedpods]), I have this bigger bag I’ll lug around. There’s plenty of pockets on it and I’ll have mesh bags to use. If it’s that kind of a day, I’ll bring a trowel-- not to poach with – just to dig and see what comes up.
I’ve steered away from bringing food for friends unless it’s native to my locale or if it’s a more naturalized spot where the mallards and other Aves are familiar with homos. Even at that, it’s maybe once a season. There’s plenty of Buffalo gourds and Coyote gourds. I’ll usually break those open and throw them about if it feels like I’m being called to do so.
There’s a duffle in my car with a change of clothes and an extra pair of shoes.
And if it’s a day I need to get away from, I’ll bring a book and read in my car before and after as a way for me to ground. I used to bring little short stories with me and would sit ‘n’ read them before heading back to the abysmal city. They were Penguin Classics for 1£ or something-- I’ve read, reread, and re-reread those that I’ve bought so I don’t bring them anymore