Someone's placing fake skulls in Death Valley

I went to Badwater today in Death Valley and got excited about this at first. HOWEVER, I believe it’s fake. I mean, look at the reflection of underneath the skull in the front facing view.

What would you do if you found this?

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I want to say lick it to see if it’s bone or stone, but I probably wouldn’t go that far. I’d turn it around to take an upside down picture.


Was this the only one? Did you pick it up to get a better feel for it?


I don’t make a habit of picking up skulls, as I’ve heard that some can carry diseases, plus it was a bit of a ways into the water and I wasn’t wearing the right shoes to go wading.

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I wish I had been able to turn it upside down at least!

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The ‘teeth’ are painted stripes ?


Yes, certainly fake to me. If I could retrieve it safely, I’d remove it from the park and/or give it to the rangers - they might get a kick out of it or have some use for it.


it looks like styrofoam to me

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