Species at Risk and Geocaching groups / Trail making groups

Hi @saskatoonafforestationareas - if I’m understanding your post correctly, there’s an open feature request for being able to see your own obscured locations on the maps: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/view-true-locations-on-maps-for-observations-with-trusted-hidden-coordinates/2568

If you use the Edit Observations page, you can search a view small batches at a time of your observations’ true locations. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/saskatoonafforestationareas Zoom in and “Redo search in map area” and the pink pins are the true locations. To narrow it down to ones that are being automatically obscured, add &taxon_geoprivacy=obscured to the end of the URL once you redo search in map area. You can also export your data and use mapping software to view the true locations.