Standardize adding IDs from Observation Detail page vs. Identify

I agree and would also suggest, as a workaround for this request but also for anything else we would like to do that is not available in the Identify page, to add a link from the Identify page to the Observation page, here for instance:

When needed, I would right-click on this link to open the Observation page in a new browser tab.

In addition to the “add to project” use case, opening the observation page is also mandatory if I want to Delete an ID, because the ID contextual menu does not allow to delete the ID:

I was about to open a new thread to say that the Identify page should not accept a duplicate submission (typing “a” on the keyboard) of the same ID:

The result is not pretty and requires many clicks to be corrected manually.

View should take you directly to the Observation page


Thanks a lot!

If you click Edit, the page for editing your ID includes delete as an option – you shouldn’t have to go all the way to the observation page.

Discussed further here.

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Yes, indeed.

After deleting the ID, I’m in the Observation page in a new tab. If not in full screen mode, I just close it with 1 click on the tab, and I’m back in the Identify page.

But using full screen mode (press F11 from the web browser), I can’t close the Observation page (which I didn’t need). I have first to quit the full screen mode, to access the tabs.

A “Delete” in the contextual menu would be much simpler.

Ctrl-w should close the observation page without quitting full screen.

I agree that having Delete next to Withdraw and Edit in that menu would be convenient, but I seem to recall that they wanted it a little bit buried to encourage withdrawing instead of deleting. I can’t find that discussion though – might have been in the Google Group? Or I might be misremembering.

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Thanks! CTRL+W does it well.

Well, this has been implemented. I’ll make an issue for Number 1.


Thanks, looks like this was implemented as well. :)