Taxa with fairytale-esque names

Tennesseellum gollum (named for Gollum from Lord of the Rings).


Cassytha ciliolata (Devil’s/Witch’s Tresses).

Hello again! I’m reviving this thread to share a new favorite flower of mine, the Witch Moederkappie. Not only is the name fitting, but they look a bit like fairies with big hats!


What about the Regal Sea Goddess, Felimare picta? A species of dorid nudibranch.


I am reminded of Atomic Rooster - a real band, not sure about a real organism.

You inspired me to search…there may not be an atomic rooster, but there is an Atomic Tarantula & an Atomic Sunfish


I just found Orange Fairy’s Aprons quite by accident! I was wondering what was in the Violet family besides violets and found this interesting plant.


Thanks for reminding us that real fairytales are folktales. And the un-Disneyfied versions of those would never make it through most of the algorithmic filters so prevalent today!

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Check out these lists if you haven’t already.

I recently figured out that the scientific name of Draeculacephala, a genus of leafhoppers that’s extremely common in my lawn, means “little dragon head”. Now I’m curious about the translation of other scientific names with “draco” in them…

There are a couple species of praying mantises with the common name “Dragon Mantis”, but Stenophylla cornigera looks the most convincing to me.


I never did understand “The Elves and the Shoemaker” until I read the original version. The shoemaker made clothes for the elves because they were naked. That all-important detail wasn’t in any of the made-for-kids versions.

Not a translation, but your comment reminded me of tribe charaxini (“dragon head caterpillars”):

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