One of the most powerful aspects of iNaturalist is the way that you can shape the platform with feature requests. But there’s a downside to this, which is that it often falls into gray areas. Humans love black-and-white answers!
The more of an expert you are, in any subject, the more you know that there’s rarely one definitive answer. The more you embrace the gray
Many times you might read a feature request, and you might think, “That’s obviously a good idea. I will immediately vote for that!”
Then you read the extensive counter-arguments in the post, and you realize that it’s a gray area. There are many great reasons to NOT implement that feature request. It’s not black-and-white. It’s gray!
Thank you for embracing the gray! Every comment that you write, makes this site better for everyone!
@Mods: This post is still on-topic, I hope! (Embrace the gray!)
Cheers, Mark!
For anyone whose mid-90’s pop culture game is weak (like me), here’s what I found:
Babylon 5 was a sci-fi show that was on TV for about 6 years
Babylon 5 ran from 1993 to 1998
In the show, The Grey Council is a ruling body
The 9 members of The Grey Council stand in a circle, symbolically facing the light, and turning their backs to the darkness. The Chosen One leads the group.
Speaking for myself, some definite gray in that assertion. I’m sure I’ve posted comments that added nothing to the sum of human knowledge and probably subtracted from it.