Is there a time (once a week or something like that), when the nomenclature on iNat is compared automatically with the acutal one of POWO, to find changes and new names?
I had some cases this morning while IDing, where names are missing in iNat. Espacially for tropical local endemic plants. I flagged them for curation, but it would be much easier, if this process is done regularly automatically and not one by one.
I hope not to waste curators time too much.
Thanks in advance. Kind regards.
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As far as I know there is no such scheduled exchange between POWO and iNaturalist: name changes, taxonomic moves, etc. are replicated manually, upon request, on an as-need basis - for better or for worse (POWO is not immune to mistakes and debatable decisions).
Nope, there are no automatic taxonomic updates. Flagging the taxa for curation as you’ve done is the correct approach.
It’s a pity.
Then I will continue doing so - and hope for a kind curators time (so far it has been allways a great service and help, much appreciated).
Thanks a lot for all your replys.