Welcome to the Forum, looking forward to hearing more from you. ;)
@tchakamaura many insects, for example moths, some bugs, flies, wasps and beetles, are night active and can be attracted to artificial light. You can check out street lights or illuminated buildings (in my country that would be remote churches or tunnel entrances in the mountains). Alternatively, you can set up your own “moth light”. Some examples can be found in my profile or if you google “moth light”.
A “moth light” is also a very good option for the elderly or disabled, because basically the insects will come to you, and there is no need for long hikes or chases… as a school child I enjoyed it also, because my parents would allow me to stay our back garden at night, but not to go for night walks.
Haha! its absolutely a great discussion.
Welcome to the iNat forum! I’m glad you enjoy it.
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