Too many "Common clubtails"

I ID a lot of odonates in india, and one of the common species is Ictinogomphus rapax. This species in iNat has common name “common clubtail” and mant times i click the top suggestion(naturally) and end up IDing them as gomphus vulgatissimus which isnt seen in india.

There are three species named common clubtail, causing confusion for me and others.

I request any admins to change the name of ictinogomphus rapax to “Indian common clubtail” which is an accepted common name for it-!/sp/489/Ictinogomphus-rapax
and would also like if the curators of iNat change the names of other species in such a condition

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Those questions are solved via adding flag on the taxon.

Any user can add common names for organisms to iNat. See instructions on this forum post. You should add Indian common clubtail as an English name with a place for India (and any other locations applicable to) and can give it priority but not delete “common clubtail” totally since other users may use that name to find the species.


Thanks a lot! this will help me in the future.

Someone seems to have changed the common name already to indian common clubtail :)


Thanks everyone, for the response

I still see it as a common clubtail. Maybe removing the common name “common clubtail” and adding it will solve this. When exporting the common names it still will be shown as “common clubtail”.

in the future, please make a flag, but I changed the prioritization of the names so that Indian common clubtail is now the default.


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