Sorry, I’m not sure the best way to phrase that. The taxon_id parameter will include all matches, for example taxon_id=47125 (angiosperms) returns all matching observations of any angiosperm regardless of taxon (pin oak, yes!):
But using the field:Host=47125 parameter only returns observations with the observation field Host: Angiospermae, but nothing more specific than that (pin oak, nope):
Is there anything I can do to make the field:Host parameter inclusive of matches for any taxon that belongs to the searched taxon? Like taxon_id does?
I use this parameter to make IDs in a project and often I need to be less specific than the parameter allows. For example today I had to run 15 or so individual queries just to see if there were any more matches on different species in the genus Solanum.
There is no way to do it short of searching every taxa manually (or maybe API stuff and programming, but that’s beyond me). This is fine for small taxa where there’s only a few, but in something complicated (say, the American oaks you expected to find, where you’d have to check each species, complex, subsection) it’s a pain.