Searching "Observations with this field and value" for fields that use a Taxon as the datatype should show children taxa

I’ll just copy my use case here from another thread:

To be more specific, my current process to check a genus of plants in some area for parasite identification is:

  1. Go to a genus
  2. filter by location
  3. click view all observations
  4. click the N Species tab (in this case 32)
  5. click into the taxon page
  6. copy the taxon id
  7. open this link and paste the ID:
  8. checkout the results
  9. back to step 5 for each species present in the area.

It’s fairly tedious when functionality like with the taxon_id parameter already does what I’m looking for in a few steps. Maybe there’s a better way but I haven’t found it yet.

For observations fields that accept taxon parameters it seems much less useful for them to work in a different way than the nested child/parent taxon system the rest of the UI uses.