Sometimes the “locality notes” for observations made with the Android App are strange or inaccurate. For an egregious example, the locality notes on this observation name a town that is nearly 200 km away. I believe I’ve found in the code exactly why this is happening.
In the code for the website, there is a simple algorithm for picking the best result from the reverse geocoder:
if ( neighborhood ) {
locationName = neighborhood.formatted_address;
} else if ( sublocality ) {
locationName = sublocality.formatted_address;
} else if ( locality ) {
locationName = locality.formatted_address;
} else if ( level2 ) {
locationName = level2.formatted_address;
} else if ( level1 ) {
locationName = level1.formatted_address;
This is, I believe, the code used on the android app, which just picks the first result from the geocoder that isn’t a street address:
for (Address address : addresses) {
if (address.getThoroughfare() == null) {
for (int i = 0; i <= address.getMaxAddressLineIndex(); i++) {
location.append(" ");
At least in Ontario, this first result seems to often be an address of type “postal_code”, the names of which are not suitable as a description for an observation location. Would it be possible to update the Android app to use a similar algorithm to that on the website?