Use Wikidata for place names and Wikipedia descriptions

Thank you…i will read and wait till ti happens automatically i hope. I have been there and did not understood wahat to do
What is a “Slug” ???
And “Mix’n’Match " ?
I do not know anything but i thought
Give “Eelderbaan” a “Q100257347” number (works for all languages i hope, use in WikiMedia??)
Give “Roege Bos” a " Q100257307)” number (works for all languages i hope)
"Westpark " has “Q100256456” number (works for all languages i hope, use in WikiMedia??)

It seems you know what to do. I know I need a number like Q100256456 I need 3 red dots in stead of one image

SLUG: It might be an idea to use WikiMedia photos of places in stead of Flickr files as Flicker is less popular nowadays i think