I am interested in embedding iNat observations in my blog. My blog is created with Wordpress and the Elementor page-builder plugin. The iNat dashboard has a link to a widget to do that (now lower right of screen, which goes to https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/widget). However, I cannot figure out how to specify a particular date for the observations. It appears to give the option of selecting a place or a taxon, but no date? Am I missing how to do that? Right in front of my face? Or would I need to insert some additional html or css? Any suggestions?
The way observations are embedded in the iNat journal, such as here: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/umpquamatt/9934-2017-march-1-initial-exploration-of-ucc-property, would be great too. I attempted to find the code for that by looking at the page source and pasting it into the Custom CSS field in my Wordpress/Elementor website, but it didn’t show up, so I’m probably not doing it right. Probably someone that knows html and css better than I could figure this out.
Any suggestions appreciated.
There’s a bit of code in there that you should be able to append some search filters to, e.g. for March 1st, 2017, change that URL to:
Which gets me:
Okay, so you’ve added “&on=2017-03-01” to the url. So, that might work, or get me closer anyway. Now if I can just figure out where to insert all that code into my Wordpress/Elementor blog post…
Thanks Cassi,
Hi Cassi,
So I added some parameters (layout=large&limit=24&on=2017-04-14&order=asc&order_by=observed_on) to the URL you pointed out, AND I figured out where/how to add that to my blog page. It makes the format you displayed above; see bottom of post (http://mghwildlife.com/a-bureau-of-land-management-blm-meadow). It takes up a lot of vertical space with lots of observations. For some reason it doesn’t pick up the “grid” layout specified in the widget preview. Any idea why? Maybe it’s old html or css?
Another angle: What would be great would be to reproduce the Observations section in the iNat journal here: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/umpquamatt/9964-2017-april-14-a-bureau-of-land-management-blm-meadow. I did go in to the page source and copy the entire Observations section and tried to insert that into my blog, but it came out with vertical format, small thumbnails, and lots of extra headings and words and such, so, … somehow just pulling out that Observation section didn’t work. I don’t know if you have any insight as to why that wouldn’t work; if you do, let me know. Otherwise, maybe I would need to pay someone to help me figure that out, or make a new widget. Having something like that would certainly point more people to iNaturalist from blogs such as mine (once I begin sharing it…).
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