This is a bit more niche and hypothetical, but I’m curious about how this type of scenario would work, so let’s say I found evidence of an ecologically “modern” organism (extinct or extant) ie: skeletal fragments, teeth, woodrat middens, etc. but I knew it was from the upper-Pleistocene or early-Holocene. Would it be advised that it be marked as non-recent like other paleontological remains?
iNat’s definition is “~100 years”, so:
If you know it was definitely from within the past 100 years, it’s “recent”.
Definitely from before 100 years ago, it’s “not recent”
Not sure? Most people default to “recent”.
Awesome, thank you!
As a corollary, iNat won’t accept observations submitted with dates >130 years ago.
The question was asked on another thread: why 130 years? I didn’t see an answer.
I don’t know of a reason for choosing 130 specifically myself, just that it exists.
The commit message says “Disallow observations from over a human lifetime ago”, which I interpret to mean they would like observations that were personally observed by the uploader. But that’s just my take on it.
Maybe just an added filter to prevent uploading historic data not observed by the uploader? Pretty safe bet that no one living could have identified something >130 years ago!
That makes sense.
The only thing that bothers me about that is if I find let’s say a deer tooth that I know to be around 70 years old it’s fine, but if I find one that’s 600 or 15,000 years old somehow it’s not…even though all of them come from the same faunal stage and I couldn’t have seen any of these individuals in life, but I guess that’s just how the system works.
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