Over the years that I have been looking for wildlife and enjoying being out in nature, I have seen some really awesome animal encounters. Like when I saw a Red-winged Blackbird sitting on top of a White-tailed Deer’s head! https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/169864685
What would you say is your favorite encounter? I can’t wait to see all the cool sighting responses!
All my sightings have been the coolest thing that I experienced in my life tbh but if I have to have one the it has to be a sea palm or a purple olive snail shell (can’t tell which one is cooler)
I feel like for me, the answer to this has to be something reasonably rare, but also seen well, and was a surprise encounter. This Spotted Wood-Owl is a good contender. It is only found in certain areas of Southeast Asia, so it is reasonably rare. It being an owl, I didn’t expect to see it, but it was on my mind as a possibility. I was on a kayak tour and didn’t see much the whole time, but I knew this was a remote possibility. It’s not a perfect photo, but it’s a better photo than I got with a lot of the rarer sightings from that trip, and given that it’s an owl, you take what you can get.
My “coolest” sighting was a Snowy Owl in New Jersey a few years back. It was (fortunately) not spooked by my presence (in fact, it yawned and dozed off). At risk of sounding melodramatic (and for lack of a better way to describe the experience), it was kind of a spiritual moment. Even if it did nearly hack up a pellet while I was watching.