Decide between:
(a) making a field sketch observation* (which IS eligible for Research Grade status - just don’t forget to include/check the accuracy of the date/location)
(b) adding a “No Photo” observation (which is Casual status)
(c) uploading the blurry/dark photos with YOUR ID, which should be based on what YOU SAW (keep in mind that many blurry or dark photos get IDed - what’s a difficult ID for one person might be easy for another. And photos can be lightened/sharpened etc, either by you or by an IDer).
(d) both a and c.
As far as photos where the “individual’s too far away”, I recommend a cropped photo, due to iNat’s photo compression. The uncropped photo may or may not be needed as well, depending on each individual situation. For example, if the uncropped photo adds value to the observation via giving an idea of scale, habitat, light/shadow clues, etc.
*iNaturalist accepts field sketches if they have diagnostic features, and there’s a project here:
You can read more about “Are drawings evidence?” here - note comment by Forum Moderator charlie: