Are drawings evidence?

I have read through (most) of the replies in these older threads -
What is evidence?
On Flagging Drawing

Reading through these and reviewing some sightings posted by user honoralana, I have come across a problem.

How is a drawing done from memory at home any better evidence than just going home and taking a photo out of a field guide or online and saying “this looks like what I saw”?

A drawing is no better evidence than a detailed description of what I saw. Even if the drawing is excellent, the quality of the drawing is more a representation of the person artistic abilities than stronger evidence of the actual sighting.

In both cases you are removing yourself from the actual observation and relying on memory to match / recreate the observation. I don’t think it should pass the criteria of “evidence of organism”. It is evidence of memory of the organism, not evidence of the organism.

In previous disccussion, many were quick to make the comparison to the great biological illustrators through history (Audubon, Gould, etc) but those people were making illustrations to demonstrate the characteristics of a species or population. They were not submitting those drawings as evidence that they had seen that individual. Drawings as iNat vouchers are a very different thing.


What if you don’t make a drawing or digital painting from memory or guide-books, but instead base one solely on a poor (e.g., hopelessly out-of-focus) photo taken on location, or on a photo taken by someone who was with you (and which you might not want to post for copyright reasons)? I have several such digital paintings among my personal records, and I regard them as pretty much equivalent to the field sketches that many naturalists used to make before the age of digital photography. Edge-detection and color-matching image technologies, even when applied to very blurry photographic images, enable me to re-create rather accurately what I actually saw in the field, and shouldn’t this be regarded as evidence of organism? I haven’t posted any of these images on iNaturalis yet, but have often thought of doing so.


To me, this is a bit of a broader question of when do you stop trusting or accepting information from observers. A parallel example would be with birds. There are many birds, I will use flycatchers and kingbirds as an example which are not reliably able to be separated visually but can be done with ease by song.

When users submit a photo, and a written note indicating identification was done by song, but attach no recording, should those all be thrown into casual ?


I concur with @sandboa that there is inherently a lower level of provability (Is that a word?) or believability of a sketch over a photograph of a live (or dead) organism. However, while a photo does provide more tangible direct evidence, I will argue that contemporary sketchs made in the field or from a living example or recently captured specimen certainly do pass as “evidence of organism”. Drawings made from memory later (days, weeks, or months later) would not past muster in my opinion. In the realm of bird records committees, long before digital photography existed, thousands of records of rare birds were evaluated and accepted based on detailed written descriptions which are/were often accompanied by a sketch. Perhaps the watershed for acceptance of a drawing of an organism should be some included language in the “Description” which asserts that the drawing was made contemporaneously from a live (or dead) organism, along with whatever diagnostic details might be appropriate for the identification. Surely an equivalent level of evidence like those innumerable records submitted and accepted by bird records committees (e.g. in the past) should be considered “evidence of organism” for iNat purposes. I offer the following examples:


iNaturalist has always accepted field sketches if they have diagnostic features. Yes, it’s hard to verify that the sketch was made in the field or that diagnostic features are drawn properly, but this also comes up with photos and other sorts of evidence. And as others have mentioned there is a very long history of using drawings to document biodiversity. The volume of sketches on iNat is quite low, and I don’t think there’s a significant data quality issue even in the worst case scenario here. Of course, if something seems wrong (out of range or habitat, sketch looks wrong or not detailed enough, etc) feel free to bring it up in the post.

people vary in artistic talent, of course, but people vary in photography talent or ability to distinguish species too. To me this connects a little with the ‘photo policing’ issues where people would pester users about blurry or unaesthetic photos. I would say just enjoy the sketches and if there are issues, use comments, disagreeing IDs, or data quality analysis as needed.

You can see a bunch of sketches here and i encourage others to add to this project so for better or for worse they are easy to find.


Honestly I think doing sketches, scanning them, uploading them is a very labor intensive process to fake observations. If someone wanted to fake records, they will just download a photo.

Another good use case, a few weeks ago I went to see a rare bird in Ontario. It was too far out over water to photograph (I can highlight the darker pixels if you want). If I had any artistic ability, I could have sketched it, the bird was well documented, multiple respected provincial birdwatchers, including a few inatters were there with me and know I saw it. But right now it is just a casual record.


I still hold that field sketches require a lot of “benefit of the doubt” to be useful as evidence, as suggested by others above. Sure you can take other’s photos and edit them too, but I don’t think this is a fair comparison.


I go back to my statement -

A sketch of an organism is no more reliable evidence of the organism than a detailed written description of the organism.
Would we accept that written description an organism as evidence?

I see both sides of this argument, but tend to err on the side of conservatism. Sketches and descriptions are not verifiable evidence therefore not evidence.


Some original descriptions of species were based on drawings/paintings of the organism and no voucher specimen. But that would not fly today in a new species description. You’d need a vouchered specimen, in most cases, although I believe some new species have been based on photo(s) alone.

But for iNat purposes and documenting the occurrence of an organism: I agree that a drawing is no better than a detailed written description of the same, and we don’t make a record Research Grade without a photo. Where a drawing might be useful is to illustrate a characteristic that might not be clearly captured in a photo, but only if used in conjunction with photo(s) of the organism. The drawing would be supplemental info (in addition to photo) that might tip the record to Research Grade.


Then why do we make birds that are documented as ID’ed by voice with no attached recording research grade ?


Good question. I don’t.

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I’ve recently come across some drawings of woodlice. These drawings were either somehow impossible (for example 5 pereion tergites instead of 7, or pleon consists of one big segment), simplified or important characteristics weren’t shown. If I identified one of these, I had to guess. So I marked them as “no evidence of live”
It’s probably very difficult to draw an organism realistically. I think the drawings were quite nice and pretty and even with some information about behaviour written on it. That means the person spent quite some time to observe the animal and that’s good. but it’s not enough for evidence imo.


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iNaturalist requires users to provide evidence of the organisms they observe to ensure that they are eligible for research grade status. Photographs and audio recordings are the most commonly accepted forms of evidence because they are direct, verifiable, and accurate. A photograph, for example, captures the physical details of an organism, while an audio recording of an animal allows others to verify the species based on sound.

However, drawings are considered an “acceptable” form of evidence on iNaturalist as well, though I believe this is highly problematic. Drawings are inherently subjective, relying heavily on the artist’s memory, interpretation, and skill. Unlike a photograph, which directly represents the organism as it exists in the world, a drawing can be influenced by the artist’s biases, art style, or ability to capture detail. This can lead to inaccuracies, which undermine the reliability of drawings as evidence for species level identification.

Only the other day I encountered a problematic observation. It was a doodle of an amphipod, which barely resembled the actual organism. The drawing was so abstract, a simple circle with four lines. It provided little to no useful information about the species. While I marked this observation as casual, the poster disagreed and unmarked it, claiming that sketches are acceptable evidence on iNaturalist. I’d understand if the drawing was showing amphipod features, but it just wasn’t. The drawing they made and decided to photograph just didn’t capture any identifiable features at all.

This raises an important question: If users can take the time to draw an organism, why not use the same time and effort to photograph it? A photograph is far more reliable in documenting the species, and in cases where a photograph isn’t possible, surely they fail the fundamental requirement to be eligible for research grade… Accurate evidence. If they fail to photograph an organism for whatever reason their observation should just be marked as casual, they shouldn’t be able to draw a quick doodle to circumvent this.

While some may argue that sketches have value, especially when a photo isn’t possible, I believe the current authorization of drawings as valid evidence creates ambiguity and opens the door to unreliable observations and therefore unreliable identifications. This is especially concerning in research grade observations, where accuracy should be important. If you think about it almost anything can be treated as “evidence”, but not all evidence is good evidence. Someone could for instance upload an image file of a paragraph describing something they saw. I have no doubt in my mind most who would encounter something like that would mark the observation as failing to provide evidence of the organism on the data quality assessment. However if you think about it just like with the drawings the observer is still providing “evidence”, it’s just not a precise or reliable form of evidence and instead it’s based off their own perception of the organism.

I understand while drawings may have a place in personal records, they fall short when compared to photographs or audio files when it comes to providing reliable evidence for species identification. I think it should be essential to maintain high standards of evidence quality so that accuracy and reliability of observations on iNaturalist are the very best they can be.

I also would like to mentioned the impact drawings could have on the AI’s training model… Low quality drawings could potentially pollute the AI and interfere with identification accuracy if enough people decided they wanted to start drawing pictures instead of using photographs.


I moved the above post to an existing topic.

I don’t think anything will change on the iNat end, but as with any observation any user can add an ID at the level at which they think the evidence supports. So if the drawing doesn’t show proper details or features, you can ID at Life or something like that. And anyone using the data can take a look at the observation and decide whether or not to use it.


I think that drawings should count as evidence, so I’ll do my best to explain when I think drawings could be uploaded:

In some cases, people see an organism but are unable to photograph it as it was too fast/far away/etc. I think that these sightings should be documented, and so if the user is able to do a decent sketch of the organism, and possibly note certain features, I think a drawing would be acceptable as long as it clearly shows what it is.

So for this one, I’d mark this as having no evidence: There’s no patterns, unique shapes, or anything else that can tell us even what family this species is in, much less genus or species.

That being said, with the rise of photo quality in AI, we soon may be able to present the same arguement to photos.

Overall, I think people should only upload a drawing if it’s better than or equal to a photo. A drawing like this would be well done, accurate in color and shape, display the organism in a way that shows all field marks, and comes with a written description of the organism’s appearance in the ‘Notes’ section.


This doesn’t always work out. For example, once I was in the middle of nowhere (probably somewhere actually) and I didn’t have a camera with me. Knowing I wouldn’t find the flora and fauna down there again easily, I resorted to using a pencil and paper.


I think field sketches, made during or shortly after an observation, should be permitted as evidence (I have some of these myself), but people should be discouraged from uploading drawings made a long time after the observation, and influenced by other illustrations, as those are decreasingly likely to reflect what was actually observed.


“No evidence” is for situations where there is no evidence of an organism (eg a sunset, a rock, etc). For a case like this, it’s best to ID to the level the evidence provided allows.