What's the long term direction for iNat, Seek, and gamification?

For example next on my list is the ignored African Unknowns - which are mostly going to be difficult dicots - we. NEED. Identifiers.
We need every observer to identify at the level they are comfortable.
Ideally to make about two and half times as many IDs as obs - since that would cover what an observer ‘expects’ from identifiers. (PS that is my hope and wish, and is NOT required by iNat!!)
Must. Have. More. Data. Is not necessarily a good thing.

Gamification for me = hours online every day. Working thru Unobserved sp from my Cape Peninsula Life list (776 and a long way to go to hit a thousand - not because I ‘haven’t seen them’ but I need to remember to observe those)
I ID for CNC and now we have just finished GSB. And others have backlogs from previous challenges to clear too. (Hint?!)

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