When does an animal become adult?

Yes, there are! Thanks, @tiwane. I’ll try to keep being cautious while adding as much useful info as possible :wink:.

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Well, that depends. As I understand the context, Kindenscema is childlike characteristics that the organism has because it is still a child. So if neoteny can also mean this, then it is indeed the word. But I have more often seen neoteny used as a synonym of pedomorphosis, which is childlike characteristics retained into adulthood.


Herps are even trickier. At least many birds have different juvenile and adult plumage. But for reptiles and amphibians we can often only rely on their size (in the field). However, two animals can be the same size, but one of them is a small-sized (but breeding) adult, and the other is a subadult with accelerated developement (simply due to genetics, better conditions etc.). Another example: in species with different juvenile and adult colouration/pattern, the transition occurs gradually, so it is hard to tell when the animal becomes sexually mature and capable to breed. Therefore, in some cases, the “Life Stage” annotation is more difficult to apply for reptiles and amphibians than for birds and mammals.


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