Why are some accounts adding super high level ids to my unknown observations

There’s quite few threads and feature requests about how ‘unknowns’ should be handled. Here’s a selection that is far too long to read!!! Personally I tend to advise people not to ID unknowns that have only just been uploaded in order not to tread on the toes of people such as yourself, but people do their best in their own way :)

Coordinating Identification of Unknowns - General - iNaturalist Community Forum

Amount of “Unknown” records is decreasing - General - iNaturalist Community Forum

Identifying taxa just to remove them from “unknown” - General - iNaturalist Community Forum

Does anyone else get bothered by how many observations are marked as “unknown species”? - General - iNaturalist Community Forum

Automatic iNat suggestion for “unknown” observations that reach a certain age - Feature Requests - iNaturalist Community Forum

Hide recently uploaded “unknowns” for 1-2 hours - Feature Requests - iNaturalist Community Forum