I think IDing down further would be more beneficial to getting things IDed to the best level. Wading through observations set to plant by a program, just to require grunt work of categorizing them further into Mosses, Liverworts, and Vascular Plants wouldn’t save much time, nor get very many more people involved at that stage of IDing
When I’m doing old unknowns, I open it, check if any notes indicate what the OP intended. Put it as far that direction as I can knowingly do so, copying and pasting the placeholder into a comment if it existed. If nothing, I decide if I have a clue, check reviewed if no clue, throw as far up the tree as I can otherwise. Vascular is further split into Conifers, Ferns, Monocots, and Dicots.
Having everything set to plant wouldn’t help me. I would still have to “review” all seaweeds(algae and kelps) and certain liverwort, fungi, and mosses. The higher up the tree it lands, the more likely it will pique someone’s interest into picking it up. Going from “Unknown” to “Plant” doesn’t pique anyone’s interest, it will still be the people that like contributing that also realize their limited knowledge is best utilized by doing gross sorting, rather than by studying something in depth at species level to be the 5th person to agree. :) I’ll spend that time trying to determine my observations and reviewing all the improvements and comments done to my gross sortings, to see what I can learn from them.
Note: This is from my perspective. Different people process these lingering observations both by vastly different methods and reasons. But people don’t work fungi, or plant, or whatever that is that general. Aves might be the exception, but it had 10 pages in my area. Other results:
Unknown 159, Plant 75, Fungi 85, Animal 80, Spiders 39, Insects 43,Protozoans 1/2(wow), Bacteria 5 observations(stunned silence), Arachnids 7, Mollusks 1/2, Ray-finned Fishes 3, Mammals 4, Reptiles 1/2, Amphibians 1/2.
From this I think it should be done to various levels depending on the type. Obviously (I think), it appears that top levels of the major subdivisions don’t get worked anymore than unknown, so it needs to be broken down further than that. To what level? What level do most people decide to work at? Or does a secondary aging time-stamp need to be used so that old stagnate things can be at the front of the queue every x years/months. People woulkd need to use the “good as it gets” more with that though.