Hi. I casually chose a user name, not realizing that this “nickname” will be printed off on a specimen wrapper (for fungal specimens) – and then the specimens I collected will go off to a herbarium (and DNA details eventually into GenBank) with . . . my nickname/user name instead of my true name. I think this can be a mess for future curators and researchers. How is a researcher in 2030 going to know who “Nickname” is when reviewing samples. I realize that many people prefer to use a nickname in a site like this, but I’d like to change my user name to my real name. How do I do that? Ellen King Rice, Olympia, WA. (Clarification: The North American Mycoflora Project/Continental Mycoblitz are downloading CSV files from iNaturalist and that is where this information is being captured.)
If you log in to inaturalist.org and go to your Account Settings, you can edit your username and add a name to your account. What’s entered into the name field shows up on your profile (eg “Tony Iwane” here: https://www.inaturalist.org/people/28) and on your copyright/licensing info.
If I change my username from ‘Vynbos’ to ‘XYZ’ what happens to hyperlinks that contain my username? Will they all be broken?
Yes, they will.
But that would only be for static URLs someone posts, not for ones generated dynamically by iNat, right? All existing content will still be associated with the account? Just want to make sure there is no confusion about that…
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