I didn’t make this comic but it’s relevant
That third one – you actually don’t have to stare very long. It is immediately obvious which one is the Glaucous Gull.
Is it
(my guess)
the light-colored one in the foreground?
Yes, it’s one of the biggest gulls in the world with light plumage among medium gulls, even this drawing shows that.)
Maybe not just for iNat but I did let this horsefly bite me so I could get some really close photos and record it on my garden list. It was actually a very painful bite into my finger. I’m sure you guys appreciate the sacrifice more than my family did.
… you get excited about seeing a new taxon and want to share it with your spouse/partner, but they’ve given you a quota of 2-3 photos per week since that time you blew up their phone with 10+ photos in 1 hour.
Yikes! But they are beautiful pics of the eyes! (I’m trying not to look at the mouth parts).
When a family vacation is happening at your home and you plan to put up moth screens to share with the young un’s in the family.
When the inat thread has so many emotions that someone is going to request for more than emoji’s to be included.
Esp. these ones
And there is a whole thread dedicated to asking about the relevance of cultivated plant observations
Don’t forget a UV flashlight walk after dark! Who knows who glows!
any suggestions for a good one (available in the US) . Same said family is visiting so I might be able to get them to get me one.
Notch that up as another you know you’re seiously into inat …
I got one from Amazon, there’s so many to choose from. I chose on price and minimal comparison with others. With it being under $10 and used occasionally, it’s fun.
I was called a “bad tourist” for returning from France with one picture of the Eiffel Tower and 10 species of bees in my camera roll
Our Funga study group does that. So cool!
Oh, heck no! I’m not letting a horse fly bite me for a photo. But that reminds me that a few days ago I swatted one on my arm and as it fell to the ground it was caught by a dragonfly!
Look up on the internet or sewing store: leather wrist ruler (bracelet) long enough to wrap around your wrist twice. A light color is easier to read in photos. My sister had one for knitting and I went bonkers over it. I bought one 15” but it’s too small and have it hang on my belt loop. It has inches and cm. My sister wears hers every day as a regular bracelet.
The Eiffel Tower has been photographed so many times, from so many angles, I doubt that there is any need for more “observations” of it.
They must define a good tourist first.
Wow! So many! I would be proud of that without caring if I’m called a ‘‘bad tourist (aaaah that sounds so offensive)’’.