I hadn’t thought of that! Yay! A winter project for the first one that says “ I’m bored”!!
Funny you mention that. I was going through old photos with my dad and in the outdoors photos, I kept looking in the background for any plants or animals. iNat has really changed how I look at pictures!
Yes to the mosquito! Deer flies, too. :-)
Working on it. I know I have a crappy but identifiable picture of a pronghorn from a few years ago floating around somewhere
When you have more new years resolutions then ever before and most of them are nature related!
How are ants in XPL? I’m tempted to do this so badly lol.
Just joined the project. I have so many observations from the abandoned Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, which is now Caddo Lake Wildlife Refuge. It still has a lot of creepy ruins.
when you realize that as long as you mark them as casual, you can post photos of the authentic museum specimens of prehistoric species and give your species count a boost.
Everyday I resist the temptation
10 students from your high school download Inat because they want to be like you…but they post humans and dogs.
look how excited @sambiology is about iNat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjJRXyTzBYQ&t=80.
why limit it to your specialty? There’s so many random cool bugs in those places!
Old photos: Yup! Just this morning I was looking at photos from old trips, and came across a treasure trove of potential observations. I got very excited! I saved them to an “album” called “Add to iNat”, so I can find them again, to post later.
Now if only I had a way to digitize old slides, from all those trips from decades ago. I just might have to break down and buy a slide scanner, one of these days…
Check with your local library and museums, some of them may have equipment that you can borrow or use on-site.
・When you start part-time work just because you want to make money for iNat trips and photography equipments / microscopes
・When you let your leftover food rot, just to observe some cool mould growing on it
・You are crawling on the garden of your school no matter people’s confusion, because there’s a cool mite.
…you’re taking the photos for a friend’s wedding and the bride and groom call you over to make sure you get a chance to photograph the bumblebee they’ve spotted. This is also an entry for “you know you have good friends when…” lol
… when it happens to you, like to me about an hour ago, that…
…,. you talk to your dad after a nice family day and talk about the world and want to say something about the Huthi-Rebels and say Huthi-Dragonflys…
as in German that is rhyming…
I acuatly said: “Huthi-Libellen” instead of “Huthi-Rebellen”…
My dad started grinning… lol
…when you start trying to identify every observation of your long-term study species.
…when identifying every observation of your long-term study species leads to a scientific examination of the accuracy of those observations (Zani, P.A. In Press. Accuracy of iNaturalist identifications: a test using a geographically ubiquitous and variable species of lizard. Herpetological Review: Accepted).
…when you attend a scientific conference and make your presentation iNaturalist focused as a way of proselytizing.
…when you tongue-in-cheek introduce yourself as “The Lizard King” because you have the most identifications of that taxon.
…you ask your friend if you can photograph their mysterious bumps caused by a virus.
…you knock knock on your neighbor’s door and ask if you can camp at their house for the night to see/hear a rare owl species.
You find a scorpion under a piece of wood you were moving and your first though is how close can I get to it for a picture without being stung? It was my first scorpion I’ve ever seen in the wild!