Or a DSLR!
Or a DSLR!
My local park…
Yep. I’ve recorded at least 19 species on me so far (not just mosquitoes, but other parasites too). If you move smoothly they’ll often keep feeding long enough for you to take out macro lens, attach to phone, and take photos from a few angles. Add to the project “Human Hosts” to keep track more easily. I do generally kill them once I’ve taken the photo, which some may see as ungrateful.
Not this Sabethes mosquito from Brazil though, with pantaloons. She was too magnificent so I just shooed her away:
The approximate range of a easy bike ride for me…
Well, I have officially photographed an insect feeding on me. I’m a real iNatter now!
Welcome to the club!
When you have broken your foot and you crawl on hands and knees over chunks of granite to get a picture because you can’t get to the plant with crutches or a knee scooter and your zoom camera won’t work because of the lighting.
Later your foot goes numb, yet somehow extremely painful and you find a dead scorpion in your orthopedic boot. You make the observation, then seek medical help.
Did that happened to you?
Wow! This thread is still alive! I’m legitimately amazed!
When you read a news report about a wallaby that escaped from a local German farm and your first thought is to consider whether it would have been “wild” according to iNat definitions during the time when it was on the run, along with a brief moment of regret that you did not have an opportunity to add this temporarily wild wallaby to your life list without travelling to Australia.
(I had no idea, but apparently they are somewhat common exotic pets in Germany and periodic news reports suggest that they are good at escaping and difficult to catch. It seems that escaped individuals have even sporadically managed to establish breeding populations.)
We are Really Serious about this!
…you see a bald-faced hornet and instead of thinking, “AAAAAAAA! A BALD-FACED HORNET!” and running for safety, you think, “AAAAAAAA! A BALD-FACED HORNET!” and run for your camera.
I have done this multiple times but have never succeeded.
yes. Last week.
Since then, I have been working out better ways to get around on rough terrain with the boot on.
I also have a habit of going to the hornets nest instead of running away. I have only been stung once by wasp/hornets. That was when someone fired a gun next to a bush that had a nest in it.
I broke my ankle rather badly about 20 years ago. After the external fixator was removed (don’t Google that if you’re squeamish), I had a boot for a month or so, then just a tight bandage. The orthopedic surgeon was rather taken aback when I told him I was being very careful walking in rocky rivers chasing dragonflies at that point; I wasn’t going to waste an entire field season because of a broken ankle!
Exactly. I’m not going to waste two months, or more Laying around not naturing.
I agree, you can’t skip going out! Your mental health would have suffered!
I bet you did more good for your range of motion than your Dr or PT expected, too.
The orthopedic surgeon did say there were some patients he had to push to get off the couch and others he had to hold back a bit…
Darned right! I’ve worn out two crutch tips so far this summer.