Zombie observation

Platform: Website

Browser: Chrome

**URLs: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/263271475

Description of problem: The observation’s page doesn’t exist anymore, but it still shows up on the identify page and the user’s list of observations

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I’ve seen this happen before, too. I think maybe it takes a little while for all the various servers to update after an observation is deleted.

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I’ve seen this happen too.
Maybe we need the braaaaiiinssss of the iNat staff to help figure it out. :zombie:


Sorry, very off-topic, but when I just looked at the title, I wondered whether to annotate a zombie as dead or alive… LOL


(How would you annotate parasitic observations? :thinking:)

I stupidly thought it was a post about someone having made an Observation of a zombie, likely because of having read this thread. (Who’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer? It’s me, Lucy.)

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OK, a quick blow to the head with a cricket bat got rid of that observation. (Shaun of the Dead is so good)

We don’t know how it happened, but the observation was deleted from the database but not the search index. It’s now been removed from the search index.


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