I posted some sightings a few months ago of some sensitive species and noticed that the map publicly displays the sightings multiple miles away from the actual spot. I understand the purpose and think it is a good idea but at the same time it can inhibit the proper identification of a species (especially in the case of fish due to the sometimes drastic differences of species of neighboring watersheds). Such was the case with my sighting of the barrens darter, while I can still see the true location, the public location is in a totally different watershed which could be very misleading for anyone trying to use iNaturalist data on the species. Is there any way to change this or at least make sure the true data is available to scientists/researchers?
The true location you entered is saved in the database, and can be made available via different means such as traditional projects where users grant permission to see actual locations, the ‘trusted’ user system, and I am sure if a dialog to establish bona fides etc were done by the site itself.
It is not displayed by default for obvious as you note conservation reasons.
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