Add a “Hybrid formula” lexicon

Platform(s), such as mobile, website, API, other: all

URLs (aka web addresses) of any pages, if relevant:

Description of need:
iNaturalist’s backbone supports hybrids (between species, genera and subspecies) but no harmonized way of adding the hybrid formula currently exists.
Hybrid formulae are useful for readability and internationalization as different regional frameworks and checklists may or may not use the named hybrid notation when it exists.

Adding the hybrid formula with the “Scientific names” lexicon:
Currently, the recommended way to add the hybrid formula is to add it as a unaccepted synonym. However, this method bears varying results as the field validation system behind “Scientific names” is thought for non-hybrid species. It results with infraspecific ranks being removed (var., subsp.) and incorrect capitalization. Capitalization has been an issue for hybrids in iNaturalist for a long time and some of the capitalizations bugs have already been fixed. However, it’s still not the case for all of them.

Here are two examples of these capitalization issues when adding it as “Scientific names”
Scientific name: Antirrhinum × chavannesii
Hybrid formula: Antirrhinum mollisimum × majus subsp. tortuosum
Field validates as: Antirrhinum mollissimum × Majus tortuosum

Scientific name: Salix × brachypurpurea
Hybrid formula: Salix brachycarpa var. psammophila × turnorii
Field validates as: Salix brachycarpa psammophila × Turnorii

Also, when a hybrid formula is added with the current system, it has to be set as not being currently accepted even though it is technically incorrect as it is only an alternative name and not an unaccepted name.

Adding the hybrid formula with the “Scientific names” lexicon:
Sometimes, hybrid formulae have been added with the “English” lexicon to avoid the field validation issues. However, it is far from ideal as it is a scientific name hence not an English name. Also, it may be displayed instead of the correct English name if added that way.

Feature request details:
iNaturalist could add a dedicated lexicon for hybrid formulae. This would allow to have the hybrid formula to be treated as an accepted name (without strikethrough formatting) as well as having a different field validation system. Another advantage would be the possibility to add the hybrid formula under the name in case of a named hybrid.

Displayed in the names list

Displayed in the name addition form

Displayed on the taxon page

this would be highly desirable – indeed the way iNaturalist handles infraspecies in general seems forever animal-centric and deeply clumsy with regards to varieties, formae, etc. – but I really wonder how much willpower there might be to actually implement this…


I agree that this would be highly desirable, at least in plants. Sometimes the hybrid names (ex: Populus × rouleauiana) are quite cryptic and it is hard even for specialists to remember which species are the parent of this hybrid. There is currently nowhere in the taxon or taxonomy page where this information about parentage can be found, and I have to rely on external databases, which is far from ideal. Sometimes the hybrid formula is added on the taxon page manually by some users as a not currently accepted scientific name, but this is far from an ideal workaround. The proposition here is sound.


To add my one cent, I think the hybrid formulae should include the complete genus name for both parents, this reduces ambiguity. (ex: Salix brachycarpa var. psammophila × Salix turnorii instead of Salix brachycarpa var. psammophila × turnorii)


This sounds pretty similar to my feature request. It’s not a duplicate though.

I believe there is such a hybrid formula lexicon as this now, so should this be closed?

There are two for some reason. “Hybrid formula” and “Hybrid formulae”.

I’m not sure why we get to add hybrid formulae without being curators, but not other scientific names. And I disagree that they are not unaccepted scientific names, they kind of are.

I do think that everyone should be able to add unaccepted scientific names. If people add incorrect ones, I don’t really see that as too different from made-up common names. The line is when it comes to accepted ones.

I agree, for organisms under the ICN like plants. ICN requires this. However, for birds, we should do it the way Clements does, which is not like this. Except of course that we should use “×” rather than “x”.

ICZN does not have rules about this.

I was going to make a similar feature request! Hybrid formulae should really be displayed alongside scientific names


I was going to make a similar request on behalf of Quercus, but it’s obviously broadly applicable.

The casual user doesn’t click on the species pages so much, and even if they do, if there’s no article on that hybrid, iNat essentially presents them with no taxonomic information about that hybrid (e.g. Quercus x ganderi as a hybrid of Quercus agrifolia and kelloggii).

Should this be a separate feature request or can we get an update on where this is at? It seems a relatively simple and helpful way to increase accessibility to the general identifying community to learn what hybrid species are composed of without relying on clicking through or hoping there is a Wikipedia page to break down the hybrid formula.

I second this request. I find hybrid oaks all the time, and have an idea of their parents, but have no way to select an id because the names and descriptions often don’t list the species parents. For example, Jolon oak, Quercus × jolonensis. A hybrid of Q douglasii and lobata, but there is no way to know that without going out to elsewhere on the internet, which is tedious, unless you’ve got the time for it. So, I just ID my oaks as Quercus and hope someone comes along to tell me what they actually are.

It’s unclear to me what the separate feature request would be?

This particular request is still relatively young (about 5 months) and doesn’t have a ton of votes, so it isn’t too strange that there hasn’t been an official status update at this point.

I was just trying to make sure it wasn’t a separate feature request, I’ve found the forum requests to be a little opaque and difficult to navigate in the past.

I would have made a separate request already, but have been told to search the existing feature requests before doing this.

It seems like a pretty simple request that would increase accessibility and usability of the site for the average user so I’m hoping this eventually gets addressed.

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