Add a Suggestion ID Field in the Explore Grid View

Yes. But, the Suggestions given are…uh…kind of crazy. The suggestions I get from the right-click method I described in the original post give me very good suggestions.


When I click on an observation on that page from the Identify page, a new window pops up with that individual observation. Then, if I try to get suggestions, the little green spinning arrow appears and spins and spins and spins…and spins…and…well…it takes a lot longer than the process I described above in the original post message.

Then, the suggestions are way off. I have tried two caterpillars with very good photos. The suggestions from the Identify page gave me “white-tailed deer” for one. (Huh??? Did I mention that the photo was very good for the caterpillar?). The other observation I tried gave me dragonflies for the obvious caterpillar.

When I used the process I described in my original post’s message, I got specific moth species for both caterpillars.

Here is the other page described in the original post message. See the specific moth species?

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