Add functionality that actively encourages cleanup of IDs (e.g., maverick, flagged IDs)

Hi, I’m trying to find ID’s where I’m listed a “maverick”. I’d like to go through them and edit my suggestions. Thanks! :)


look at post 16 above in this thread.


Yeah, I did see that. But it doesn’t show me anything.

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I see three pages of IDs:


You convinced me to vote for this feature request. If someone wants to revisit their identifications with the intent to change them where necessary, there should be some easy way to figure out how to do that. I don’t mean glaring banners either, but something more accessible to everyone than the URL that someone first has to somehow know about, and then know to bookmark it and substitute their user name (in your browser, you can bookmark the URL that @schoenitz modified for you). Thank you for wanting to revisit your IDs–there are many people who will not, even when personally messaged.


I’ve also added my vote.
I came to this thread trying to find a way to find a observation where I know my ID was flagged as maverick and I wanted to see if it was still the case (my ID was the last of 4 at species level disagreeing with the previous 3 but I am confident it is correct). I had forgotten which observation it was. I wasn’t aware that it is possible to pass parameters in the URL but am now :wink:

However, I do think it would be good to have a way to quickly see this in my profile and a way of visiting the observations easily. Perhaps an auto-updating list of observations with maverick IDs by the user.

Regardless of whether the maverick ID is correct or incorrect I agree that functionality to reduce the risk of it being missed or forgotten would be useful.


Oh, do you mean someone flagged an ID as Maverick? I thought the Maverick designation was just something that happened automatically when an ID suggestion was in the minority. Or, is that what you meant?


It is. My understanding is that if there are more than 3x the number of people disagreeing, the minority IDs automatically get labelled Maverick.


I think a maverick link on the user profile, or a new tab on home (between “your content” and “following” maybe?), instead of a banner/notification would be a good compromise for this feature request.

Not “in your face” like a banner or notification, but easy to find when you choose to check it, and not limited to a browser or local machine like a bookmark would be.


Yes, I meant the system had automatically flagged it. I wasn’t aware of the exact ratio triggering it but the 3x figure which mftasp mentions sounds right to me. Since I was the forth person to suggest an ID in the observation I was referring to and disagreeing with the previous 3, it showed up as maverick immediately.

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Yes, I was thinking of something visible but not necessarily standing out. It doesn’t get around the problem of maverick IDs from people who are no longer actively using the site but I think it would help those who do.

I’d find it annoying to be aggressively and constantly reminded to check something I’m confident is right ;) although if it gave me the opportunity to promptly correct something that is wrong I’d be grateful for it.


:100: yes, exactly!

I currently have links to mavericks, comments, and other useful but not obvious areas of the site in a journal post (so I can always access it from any device), but having them on the profile or home for all users would be much more handy.


I think that it would be best to put a banner on the Identify page which can be dismissed with an X button. It comes back if you have a new Maverick or flagged ID.
I figure anyone who actually cares about fixing past IDs uses the Identify page, and that those who don’t care do not.

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So, like a cross between a banner and a notification (in that it is dynamic, instead of static)?

Also, putting it on the identify page makes sense, but then it might be nice to have tabs like on the homepage. The identify page tabs could be identify, maverick, and my IDs (like the link on one’s profile page).


I would love to have this, maybe as an opt-in/opt-out type of thing. I recently took a prolonged break from iNat and missed 6 months worth of notifications. Thanks for the links mentioned above how to check for your maverick IDs, I was able to clean up a few misidentification I had made on other’s observations. I was wondering how to find those, so any way to make that easier would be great.


Is there a current way to check for sub-maverick IDs? For example, I would like to know if, once I give an ID, someone comes after and gives a different ID than mine. That would be useful to make sure potentially wrong IDs are not slowing down the path to RG. Is there a way to build such a list with the URLs? As others have remarked, once an ID is maverick, it does not matter much in terms of observation grade since the observation is then already RG.

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Kind of, but only for a pair of species at a time for practical purposes

Do you have an example of an URL to get what you describe? Also, do you think my question is different enough from the current request to warrant a different feature request?

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Is this what you are looking for?✓&q=&search_on=&quality_grade=any&reviewed=&geoprivacy=&identifications=most_disagree&captive=&place_id=&swlat=&swlng=&nelat=&nelng=&taxon_name=&taxon_id=&day=&month=&year=&[]=&d1=&d2=&created_on=&site=&tdate=&list_id=&filters_open=true&view=map


Wow, thanks, it is a complicated URL! It seems to be very close to what I want. I can’t seem to find how to also include maverick IDs, but it finds at least one active ID for which there is subsequent disagreement. So yeah, maybe that is what I want!

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