Aetobatus narinari’s split based on locations

In 2013-14, aetobatus narinari was split into 3 species (narinari, laticeps, and ocellatus) based on locations.

Is there any backing to why they were split as species as all three are morphological up identical, there were slight genetic differences but wouldn’t that mean they’d be divided as subspecies

I feel that A. narinari is indifferent to the two species split from it, and that they’d be more fitting to exist as subspecies from these slight genetic differences like for example “Aetobatus narinari atlanticus”, “ Aetobatus narinari ocellatus” and “Aetobatus narinari laticeps”

You need to discuss such questions under flags for taxon in question, tag there experts if you know any from iNat.


Recognizing these three new species on iNaturalist would require us to do what we are advised not to do: ID based on location.

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