AI-assisted occurrence searches

About the tool:

I made every effort possible to spare the server resources. This tool makes 2 requests for each observation in a result page (200 observations/page): 1 request to get the observation data and 1 request to get the AI suggestions (including the taxa descriptions). The process is limited to a total of 60 requests/minute. Parallelization helps to reach this limit, although it takes several seconds to get the response to a request.

Note that I distribute many preloaded observations (observations data + AI suggestions + taxonomy) with the tool, so that you can start using the tool and ID many observations without almost downloading anything. (In that case it would spare the server ressources better than using the web application instead).

Should this tool have a large success (?..), and should the server resources become an issue, it would be then possible to create a feature request for providing bulk data to download (that would NOT need to be updated often). I mean providing files to download similar to those presently generated by the tool, for every place defined in the search queries:


About the web application:

There are things in the web application that do not spare the server resources as much as possible:

(Ultimately, only a server side measure could tell for what the resources are spent.)