iNaturalist Identification 1.2 available for download from “Transfer Big Files”: (The link expires on February 10th).
Fixes included: configurable main window height ; API daily quota enforced (10k requests/day) ; “only_id=true” and “id_below” in observations pages requests ; grouped observations data download (resulting in half less API requests) ; ignore observations with identifications, still returned despite the filter “identified=false” for reviewing only the “Unknown” (cf. “User has opted-out of Community Taxon”).
Tracking: in every API request, the header ‘user-agent’ identifies the tool as “iNaturalist Identification/1.2”.
How to reduce the number of API requests?
Select “Skip observations submitted after: YYYY” at application startup.
Or use the same option in the settings file, for instance: SkipObservationsSubmittedAfter=2017
Less results requires less requests to keep these results uptodate.
Available for download:
iNaturalist Identification 1.2 -
It contains a minimal setup of the tool.
iNaturalist Identification 1.2 - Deliverable ; Observations
It contains a setup of the tool and 7 search queries (Benin, Bolivia, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Philippines, Taiwan) and 8 AI based filters configured, and the data of all “Unknown” observations matching these search queries (51850 observations). About these search queries, see also:
iNaturalist Identification 1.2 - Other observations
22 search queries (Russia, and many places in America: Central America, South America, Mexico, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas) and the data of all “Unknown” observations matching these search queries (201000 observations).
Unzip. No installation or uninstallation process.
Get a token from this URL and copy/paste it in the “iNatIdentify - Settings.txt” file:
The token is required and enables the tool to submit IDs and comments on behalf of you.
Simply double-click on “iNatIdentify.exe” to run the tool.
Presentations of the tool while developing it: