Amazing animals and Real-Life Pokémon typings

Maybe calligrapher flies could be fairy type (like Cutiefly or Ribombee).

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Fire-types could be Melanophila and allies (Buprestidae) who are attracted to fires and oviposit on burning wood
Fairy-types could be Plume moths

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What a fabulous project!
I’d suggest the Rosy Maple Moth as a fairy type – it’s just so darn cute. Also, the Dumbo Octopus is another cutie that could fit several categories. I offer these up partly because they are cartoonish looking already, but are real animals :)

There are just so many I can add in, but I’d never stop.

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yes, these are the ones that make me think of little ghosts when you hear them coming from the trees at night, especially the whinny part… like this:

speaking of sounds, when styled like Pokemon, what do these animals sound like? for example, the Eurasian magpie… does it say, “clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack”, or “magpie, magpie”, or “Pica pica”?

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Some others:

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I don’t really know much about Pokémon but here are some more suggestions:

Vampyroteuthis infernalis (Vampire squid) dark/water?
Water shrew (venomous)
Platypus (seems an obvious choice)

Some suggestions from my son:
Marine Iguana, Komodo dragon, Ostrich

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Fairy ideas:
fairy shrimp; spun-glass caterpillar moth (larvae); a variety of other Lepidoptera,

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This is awesome! Have you thought about putting an iNat link to the species represented on Instagram to raise awareness of iNat at the same time?


Totally biased but the Black-backed Woodpecker specializes in forest fire killed habitat. When a predator is near is hugs up tight against the black sooty bark and is well camouflaged. It also can hear beetle larvae chewing underneath the bark and can excavate them well into the heartwood. They make a pretty wicked trill when they are agitated by competing birds. :)

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I know nothing about Pokémon culture, but definitely want to make sure you know about the Mexican mole lizard (Bipes biporus).


omg this is sooo nerd :green_heart:
I guess Southern Pudú Pudu puda, as is tiny and live in the forest is a fairy/grass
and the Scaly- foot Snail Chrysomallon squamiferum it could be Iron/water pokemon, this snail really rocks!!

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well, there is actually one pokemon based on spun-glass caterpillar moth, named snom…

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Yeah, they are! I’ll sketch them out first in my notebook with approximate shading, and then scan them on to my iPad and use “Procreate” to ink them out. Thank you! :)

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See the first time I saw Jewel Caterpillars, I was blown away for how much they looked like Snom!

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Yes! The Scaly Foot Snail is awesome - I actually have already drawn that one! :)

EDIT: In fact, I’m just going to reply to all the comments on this one post. Thanks for all the responses, I really appreciate how much people are getting in to it! :)

@jdmore I think I remember learning about it from the observation of the week back in 2017! Since then I’ve definitely weirded out a fair few of my friends showing them it. It’s on the list! Thanks!

@aggie_wildlifer That’s an excellent idea, I’ll definitely do that. Could even do a post of a Pokédex or something and talk about iNat specifically. Great shout!

@zabdiel Oooh the water shrew one is a good idea - it’s something that people would think they recognised, but I wonder how many folk know it’s venomous? Good idea. Also, the Komodo Dragon idea from your son is brilliant. Definitely going to make a Poison/Dragon Komodo Dragon. Just the fact the venom comes from how filthy it’s mouth is rather than anything inbuilt!

@scubabruin, actually had an involuntary intake of breath when I googled the Rosy Maple Moth. If anything is going to be fairy type, that’s definitely it! I think the sheer choice of incredible animals is going to be the most difficult thing about doing this project!!

@tuftedparidae Thanks so much for the suggestion of Melanophila - finding fire types is hard (so far I’m cheating a bit and making the Bombardier Beetle fire type, but other than that the only one is @zabdiel’s suggestion of the Black Kite. This one makes a good addition to the exclusive club!

@tyto19 I like the burrowing owl, as I think it could be good if drawn in a sort of “diglett” style with it’s head poking just above the burrow! Also, Ground/Flying is always an interesting combo…

Thanks again for all the suggestions so far!

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A lot of pokemon are based on real organisms (in appearance, at least). Maybe that could be another type, somehow? Like a normal type means there is a pokemon/IRL analogue, instead of just meaning it doesn’t correspond to the other types?

BTW, my headcanon is that Nidoran♂ and
Nidoran♀ are modeled after rabbits infected with SPV (which causes real rabbits to grow “horns” on their bodies)


Pink fairy armadillo (Fairy / Ground)


Oh yeah, like the myth of the Jackalope? Is that the same thing?

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Yes, one theory is that SPV tumors contributed to the Jackalope myth.

many of the nudibranch species would also be awesome. Look up a Spanish shawl, McDonald’s dorid, Spotted triopha, and Opalescent nudibranch, for starters. Also, love the headshield slug known as California Aglaja.