Key: Parentheses: species, I: incomplete, asterisk = iNaturalist observations contributed new records.
Burundi (72, I)
Cape Verde (21; I)
Central African Republic (55, I)
Chad (38, I)
Comoros (21, I)
Cote D’ivoire (Ivory Coast) (65, I)
Eswatini (Swaziland) (17)*
Equatorial Guinea
Boiko (2)
Guinea-Bissau (8)
Mauritius (12, I)*
Mayotte (3)
Réunion (7, I)
Rodrigues (3)
Senegal (92, I)
Seychelles (16, I)
Aldabra Atoll (8, I)
Socotra (6, I)
Somalia (73, I)
Bahrain (4, I)*
Bangladesh (26, I)*
Bhutan (50, I)*
Borneo (31, I)*
Cambodia (45, I)*
Christmas Island (6)*
China: Macao (26)*
India (412 of 723, I)
Laos (105, I)*
Maldives (8)*
North Korea (91, I)
Philippines (109, I)
Qatar (8)*
Singapore (107, I)*
Timor-Leste (15; I)* [1]
Turkestan (17, I)
Vietnam (98; I)*
Central America
- Guatemala (254, I)
Andorra (23, I)*
Gibraltar (2)
Iceland (6)
Ireland (104, I)
Monaco (3)*
Russia (1139 of 1195)
San Marino (4)*
North America
Anguilla (7, I)
Aruba (2)
Bahamas (36, I)
Barbados (8, I)
Bermuda (3, I)
British Virgin Islands (15, I)
- British Columbia (429)* [1]
Cayman Islands (4, I)*
Cuba (70, I)
Dominica (26, I)
Dominican Republic (54, I)*
Grenada (12, I)
Greenland (2)*
Guadeloupe (14)
Haiti (36)*
Jamaica (50, I)
Martinique (12)
Mexico (1774, I)
Puerto Rico (37, I)
Saint Lucia (5)
US Virgin Islands: St. John (6, I)*
United States (3359, I)* [1]
- New Hampshire (279; 1)
- New York (437, I)
- Pennsylvania (436)
- Western states (incomplete): AZ-CA-CO-ID-MT-NM-NV-OR-UT-WA-WY; 1
- Central states (incomplete): AR-IA-IL-IN-KS-KY-MI-MN-MO-ND-NE-OH-OK-SD-TN-TX-WI; 1
Australia (627 out of 1646)
Cook Islands (4)
French Polynesia (12, I) [1]
Fiji (13 of 23, I)
Guam (10)*
Howland Island (2)
Kiribati (7)
Marshall Islands (2)
Montserrat (11)
Nauru (1)
New Caledonia (32, I)
New Guinea (14, I)*
Northern Mariana Islands (12)*
Mariana Islands: Rota (7, I)*
Palau (11, I)
Samoa (16, I)
Tonga (5)*
Tuvalu (2)
Vanuatu (16, 1)
South America
Additional information
How to create checklists (examples in links)
Find sources, and add any additional species observed on iNat or Bug Guide. In Explore, search location and taxon, and click Species to see observed taxa.
Go to Places, search location, and click View checklist page on bottom left.
Method 1: Search taxon on middle right. Paste species into Add Species or Batch (easiest if from an Excel column which only contains Genus species). Add subspecies if known.
Method 2: Create a new checklist (bottom right). Name it in format “Bees of California.” Add species in same way.
If known, set species as native, introduced, or endemic.
How to use checklists
Search location in Identify, click Suggestions, and filter by State or country, genus, and checklist to show all species including ones without obs.
Go to Map on a species taxon page. The shaded regions show where species have been recorded in a checklist but never observed on iNat.
Sources for creating new checklists
US: IL, LA, MI, PA, WI, US specialists only, split in 3 regions
Europa Island - Place needs to be created, full checklist
iNat bee and wasp Guides (verify if these are complete) 1, 2
Wasp checklists here