I love your fly ID tools! I’m personally obsessed with moth identification, and I run into many cool flies in the field (they also come to my moth sheet). Your suggestion for working on Bibionidae had me selecting the link and I immediately recognized flies I had just been reviewing from photos taken in March in Ocala, Florida. The mating pair of totally different looking flies were actually sexually dimorphic members of this family. I did a quick look at Bibionidae species’ observations in Florida, and my flies look like the second most abundant species on iNat. From there I went into your guide and found my flies on Slide 54! I love your little range maps.
I’m wondering if there is a quick way to get to a particular Google slide, once I know the slide number and want to jump right to it?
I encourage anyone slightly interested in flies to take the challenge offered here. These fly people have a friendly community and are eager to help new identifiers. Meanwhile, I need to get back to my moths… :-)