Backyard, front porch, side lot, courtyard, nearby greenspace observations

All of my observations are from my backyard and that is the way I intend to keep it. It is one of the things I wish iNat would do is give us “folders” in our own accounts. I would like to have a separate “folders” just for the reason of having one for the backyard and one for other. Yes, I know they have “projects”, but to me it’s not really the same thing.

This topic is about an existing project, so your idea of having folders in one’s account probably can’t get very far here. It might be a good idea for you to make a feature request for it, or at least start a separate discussion about it (after searching topics to make sure no one’s already asked for something similar).

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I’m quite pleased and grateful to those that have joined the Footzoom Project. We now have representation from Portugal, Spain, Russia, Germany, the UK, Canada, the US, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Bangladesh, and South Africa. People are submitting very interesting observations. Pretty good momentum for something on foot :) Things are just starting to happen in our gardens here so maybe between digging, selecting (weeding), and planting I’ll be able to get a little more observations in the garden and neighbourhood.


In case you did not know, today is World Bicycle Day (United Nations). While you are out being mobile, if you are able in your part of the world, don’t forget to observe and submit to our Footzoom Project.

I was just looking at the statistics for this project and am really impressed with the diversity that is being shared.

Of the current 4,603 species on June 7, 2020 with 38 observers worldwide, sharing 27,653 observations, we have an impressive diversity:
Unknown - .04%
Protozoans - .17%
Fungi - 6.65%
Plants - 30.98%
Chromista - .02%
Mollusks - .94%
Insects - 40.77%
Arachnids - 5.65%
Ray-Finned Fish - .20%
Amphibians - .52%
Reptiles - .94%
Birds - 10.51%
Mammals - 1.44%
Other Animals - 1.59%

I am thankful to those who are submitting.


I’m having hard time adding last observations, busy with many things, so probably will recheck everything new by the autumn.


I have added a tutorial wiki to the forum that may help those that wish to submit to on how to add multiple observations to a project. This may be helpful for those wishing to submit to this project but are a little unsure as to where to begin.

I have been looking at the statistics for the Footzoom project again and am impressed with the diversity. I also am pleased with the countries represented including Portugal, Spain, Russia, Germany, the UK, Canada, the US, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Bangladesh, South Africa, Mexico, Indonesia, and Brazil. Thanks to those who are participating.

36,154 observations
5,738 species
2,663 Identifiers
43 Observers/Members

Unknown - .10%
Protozoans - .73%
Fungi - 6.42%
Plants - 30.13%
Chromista - .06%
Mollusks - 1.18%
Insects - 42.33%
Arachnids - 5.91%
Ray-Finned Fish - .20%
Amphibians - .51%
Reptiles - .9%
Birds - 9.53%
Mammals - 1.42%
Other Animals - 1.67%


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