Traditional Projects require the user to manually add observations to the Project. There are a few ways to add observations to a Traditional Project.
This tutorial covers:
Adding to a Traditional Project from individual observations
Adding to a Traditional Project from the Uploader
Adding batch observations to a Traditional Project
Using the Uploader for Traditional Projects requiring fields
Adding to a Traditional Project from individual observations
Once you have joined the a project, you can add individual observations that meet the criteria by selecting the Projects drop down menu on the lower right of select observations. (see below)
A list of joined traditional projects will show up on the drop down list, select it and move on. (see below)
Adding to a Traditional Project from the Uploader
To add multiple images to the project from the Uploader, select the first uploaded observation then press shift and select the last to select the whole group (much the same as one would do to select a group out of the file folder), next select the Projects drop down menu on the left. (see below)
If you have joined the project, it will show up on the drop down list, select it and move on and fill in the other details. Then submit. (see below)
Adding batch observations to a Traditional Project
Once one has joined a Traditional Project, this is one way that you can add a batch of observations to that project and then continue to contribute.
A) One can choose on the Traditional Project page “Add from Your Observations”
From your icon at the upper right you will get a drop down menu that has Edit Observations as an option. Select that.
From your Dashboard you can also select Edit Observations
B) Any of these selections will take one to what now says “Edit Observations”. In the case of the particular project I am using as an example, the selection can first be narrowed by a search (see below).
C) In this example most of the qualified observations are in a particular place. Fill in the place and select Search (see below). Other traditional projects may ask for particular species or other search criteria/fields.
D) Now select batch edit to proceed to the next sort (see below).
E) Select all of your observations if most of them fit the criteria (see below)
F) Now deselect the observations that do not meet the criteria, select the “Add to Project” drop down menu, and add to the selected Project, hey presto! (see below)
Using the Uploader for Traditional Projects requiring fields
There is a way to use the Uploader to upload multiple new observations to a traditional project that uses fields as a way to link the observation of different species together.
Once in the Uploader one will want to choose the files desired to link together for the project.
From ones saved image files one can select all of the files desired. In the case illustrated below, on a PC, the Ctrl+mouse are used to select the desired images from the File Upload and select open.
All of those images will show up in the Uploader but in the case of multiple images for a single species/observation, one will want to combine those images together.
Once the top/favourite/best image of that particular image is selected, other images can be drag into that top image observation entry to combine them. By combining, 14 observations have been reduced to 4 observations with some of those having various supporting views at differing angle or focal planes that may help to further support identification of the observation or show a behaviour.
At this point, if the location is not included in the image file, all four observations recorded at the same spot, can be recorded at the same time. 1. Select all observations (shown by highlight of a green border). 2. choose the location box to enter the observation site - this will open the location modal.
Once the location modal is open, one can start typing in the general area to define location - in this case it is a particular park.
As the park is typed in a drop down menu will show up that gives choices to select from - the more that is typed in, the more defined that choice becomes. Alternately one can zoom in on the map to the spot desired location.
The typed in location reveals the desired area for this search but in this case further definition is desired.
- The area circle can be drag and sized to a particular location. In this case 2. This location will be returned to for subsequent observations so a Locality note is made.
This location can be kept as a pinned location. 1. One may wish to save the location as Open or Obscured or Private (private shows no coordinates and can sometimes make it hard for identifiers to narrow down likely species by location). 2.By selecting Pin, the location is saved in Your Pinned Locations.
The pinned location shows up in the drop down menu. This menu can be curated as desired if one wishes to keep the pins manageable - case in point, on an extended vacation locations may be saved but are no longer necessary once one has returned home. 2. By selecting Update Observations, all 4 of the observations will have the desired location recorded. The pinned locations can be used for repeated observations at this location later.
As noted above, each observation has the location recorded. 2. Now deselect Select All 3. One can now enter the desired Species Name for the individual observation - it is possible that one can only name to Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order Family, or Genus - nothing wrong with this as other iNaturalist Users will more than likely help to further define the observation.
Because in this example we wish to fill in fields for a project, once all of the Species Names have been filled in, we will select all again. The reason for doing so in this order is that for this project it is helpful to know the host plant species name.
Now collapse the Details menu.
1.Expand the Projects menu to the Traditional Project you are a member of and want your observations to be a part of. Some may belong to a few Traditional Projects and may add their qualifying observations to several at this point.
Once completed, the sum of projects this observation are included in will show up as a green number.
Certain project have fields that need to be or may be filled in. The expanded fields menu can be used to select these fields.
In filling out the field in this example, instruction may be given as to what is desired to qualify.
At this point with this example the remaining fields are not needed for all of the observations so 1. the Select All is deselected and Ctrl mouse tap is used to select the particular observations that qualify for the next field. 2. In this case the field wants what plant species is associated with the insect.
The next field has a drop down menu to chose the role of the observed, in this case the insects are pollinators of the plant.
The plant in this field gets a different value.
Before uploading all of the observations, don’t forget to label observations that are captive or cultivated.